Al-Hijra/Muharram in canada 2020 and 2021

When Al-Hijra/Muharram in canada 2020

Al-Hijra / Muharram in 2020 will start on Friday, the 21st of August (21/8/2020) and will continue for 29 days until Friday, the 18th of September.

Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Al-Hijra / Muharram on the sunset of Thursday, the 20th of August.

When Al-Hijra/Muharram in canada 2021

Al-Hijra / Muharram in 2021 will start on Monday, the 9th of August (9/8/2021) and will continue for 29 days until Monday, the 6th of September.

Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Al-Hijra / Muharram on the sunset of Sunday, the 8th of August.

Origin of Al-Hijra/Muharram

Raas Al-Hijra/Muharram New Year's Day for Muslims. It is therefore the celebration of the change of year, which is actually based on the commemoration of the emigration (or Hijrah) of Muhammad (Muhammad in French) and his followers to Medina in 622. It is also called the Raas Assana 1st Moharram / Moharam / Mouharam.

The Hegira, which means rupture or exile, is a founding event in the Muslim faith because it is the moment when the prophet decided to leave Mecca with his companions in order to create a community that meets his requirements and is federated around the world. a body of common beliefs.


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